CV - Heidi Benedicte Sundby

Visual Artist

b. 1965. live and works in Oslo

Member of BOA, NBK og FFF

Studio: Bjørka, Schweigaardsgate 34, Oslo

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Single course studies;


2014Art in Education”, Studyprogram AIE203 10 credits HiVolda, Seanse

1997-1998  Master Studio  at the Academy of fine Art, Oslo

1993 -1997  National Academy of fine Art, Oslo, Norway

1991-1993  European languages; Italian language, intermedia course, UiO, Oslo

1989-1991 Classic etching techniques, Bisonte International Graphic School, Firenze, Italia  

1988-1989 Media and Communication undergraduate, UiO, Oslo

Selected  Galleri / Group exhibition

2019 “Children’s Autism - A state of play” Performance, Oslo Met international Conference: Art in Education, building Partnerships with Artists, Schools, Young People and Communities, Oslo

2018 “Look, talk, listen – The music in the fingers”, photography
Bjørka Studio 20 years anniversary, The Photo gallery, Oslo

2017 “Tegner tid”, drawing and video. The exhibition “Autism = Human” a turkish-norwegian collaboration (2017-2019), this time it takes place at Brenneriveien/Galleri Autonom, Oslo

2016 “Planets and Marzipan”; workshop once a week for four weeks, at the Project school in Oslo. The participants are four young pupils with infantil autism and their personal teachers 

2014 “The Hummingchild” norsk tittel “Barnet med det rare i” film, Statens 127 Høstutstilling

2008 ”Bjørka ten years anniversary 10”,  photo and artists book, Preus Photo museum, Horten

2003 Oslo Open Bjørka Project room photocollage, Oslo

2002  “Lange dager og lysende netter” photo & video, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen

2001  “Jours longues et nuits lumineuses” Artists Book, Oslo Kunsthall, Oslo

2001  “Kjærleikens Ferjereiser” animation, Lofoten Art festival, Lofoten

2000 “Fem venner” photo and video, Social Gratie, Bjørka Project room, Oslo

2000  “Sweet Dées” Installation, “Plot what Plot?”, Young Artists Association, Oslo

1999 “Blinddøra” photo, “The Photographers Spring Exhibition” Photogallery, Oslo

1999 “Thé Dansant” photo “Og skogen lokker mørk og dyp..” FFF Jubileumsutstilling Galleri LNM, Oslo 

1998 “Fellessentralen – Norwegian Art production in the nineties” Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

1997 “Making a home II” photo, Galleri Push Firma Beige, Helsinki, Finland

1997 “Avgangsutstillingen” installation, Young Artists Association, Oslo

1995 “Artikulasjoner” installation & Artists book, Tegneforbundet, Oslo

1995 “Via Foto” foto & tekst, Fotogalleriet, Oslo

1995 “Eggs, milk + sugar”, “Via Foto”, photo & text, Fotogalleriet, Oslo

1994 “Library”, sculpture of father’s clodes grocerystore, UKS, Oslo

1994 “Ad-hoc”/“Balance” installation video and sculpture, Glomdal Museum, Glomdal

International prize winning film


Award Best Documentary 10-30 min  ”The Hummingchild”,

Norwegian title “Barnet med det rare i”,  

Picture This.. Film Festival, Calgary, Canada 

doc. 28min 2012  

International Film Festivals in selection

2014  ”Look & Roll” Sveits

2013 ”EOP Extra & Ordinary People!” Namur  Belgia

2013  ”Assiem vivemo”, San Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia Brasil

2013  Taiwan

2013  ”Integracion Tu e Ya” Koszalin  Poland

2013  ”Energy of Creativity, Bosifest”  Beograd  Serbia

2013 ”Generator” 104 films sidefestival, Edinburgh  Scotland

2013  ”Picture this..” Calgary  Canada

2012  ”Breaking Down Barriers”  Moskva  Russland

2012  ”Making the invisibel visibel” Sprout, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

2012   ”Dokfilm” Dokumentarfilm festivalen i Volda, Norge

2012   ”Eurodok” Europeisk dokumentarfilm festival, Norsk Filminstitutt, Norge

2011    Råpremiere, Råfilm Cinemateket, Norge

“The Hummingchild” shown In other contexts

2013-20  ”Starthjelp” Mestring og Læringssenter Ullevål Universitets sykehus, Oslo             

2013  ”I samme båt”  Stat Ped Nord konferanse, Trondheim

2013  “10th Annual Young Child Expo & Conference 2013” – a joint project of Fordham University Graduate School of Education and Los Niños Services, NY, USA                

2013  “Puls”, 660 000 viewers NRK,

2012  “Menneskerettighetsfilmer” Norsk Film Institutt

2012  Internt seminar ”Nasjonalgalleriet”, NRK

2012  Rådet for funksjonshemmete, Oslo Rådhus 

2012  Konferanse, Autismeforeningen Hordaland

2012  Sykehus bibliotek, barneavdeling, Rikshospitalet, Oslo

2012   Kulturcafé Byrådet for eldre og sosiale tjenester, Oslo

2012  Familiedag med søsken Fagsenteret bydel Gamle Oslo 

2011   ”Hva med oss”, Buff Etat, Seminar samlivsterapeuter, Oslo Kommune

2011    Fagdag spesialpedagoger, Fagsenteret Gamle Oslo 

Distribusjon Norsk Filminstitutt, Sprout filmdistribution,USA, Biblioteksentralen, Universitetsforlaget,  Autismeforeningen, ”Voksne for barn”. Tekstet på blant annet engelsk, russisk, polsk, serbisk, kinesisk, portugisisk

Solo exhibitions

2004  «Rakkerunger» foto,  Deichman Grünerløkka, Oslo

2003  «Directors Cut» foto  Bjørka Prosjektrom, Oslo 

1998   «Margots forsvinningspunkter» Installasjon, Galleri Wang, Oslo

1997 «Ti kilo brent sukker må gå planken» Foto, Narvesen, Oslo 

1997  «Sikade»  lyd og fortellinger, Ballongmagasinet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo 

1994   «Balanse» skulpturer fra rester av min fars nedlagte butikk, Galleri 21:25 Oslo

1991    «Incisioni» kobberstikk, fargeetsing, silketrykk, Antica Compagnia del Paiolo, Firenze Italia 

Publicatons in selection

2019  “Planets and Marzipan”, contribution to academic publishing: “Otizm & ve egitim, sanat, mekan”
(“Autism, Art, Education and Space”) edited by Meltem Yilmas, professor in  Architecture at the Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.  The book is a collection of scientific articles and selected art projects.

2001 «We are all normal and we want our freedom» Nordic artists texts (D)

2001 «Jours longues et nuits lumineuses» artists book, collaboration with 9 artists 

2001 «The storms around Stads» online project, Lofoten art festival

2001 «The evil hut» Mikkel Mc Allinden catalog texts

1999 «When I hate myself, I at least release responsibility»  Geir Tore Holm  catalog text

1999 «And the forest lures dark and deep» FFF anniversary exhibition catalog text

1999 «The cheese cellar» Sound Edition UKS Forum, Australia

1999 «Safeguarded» Social Grace, Galleri Bjørka , texts

1998 «Lane 5 Vestli» stories, Galleri Wang, 

1998 «The ordinary in the uncommon» Marthe Aas, UKS biennale catalog text


2019  Vederlagsfondet, Project Support  

2016  Vederlagsfondet, National working grants for artists, two years

2015 Vederlagsfondet National working grants for artists, one year

Norwegian Photographic Fund

Vederlagsfondet Project Support

2014 Vederlagsfondet, National working grants for artists, one year 

Ingrid Lindback Langaards Fund

2013  Vederlagsfondet Project support,

UDI representing Norway outbord grants

Norwegian Film Institute, travelling grants

2011 Fund for sound and picture

2007 – 2011  Norwegian Film Fund - realization of film

Ekstrastiftelsen - realization of film

2003 - 2005 Vederlagsfondet Project support 

1998 Travelling studying grants, New York, USA

Arts Review / Higher Education / Sensor/Courses

1999  Regular publishing arts review in “Billedkunst” 

2001-2004  Sensor at Bachelor and Master exam, Department of Photography, the University of Bergen, national college of the Art 

2000-2004  Educator at Art preschools in Oslo, The photo art school, and at the Department of Photography, national college of art, The University of Bergen

1997- 1998  Teaching photo-art history at the Oslo Photo art school

1999-2001  Education/lectures Bergen University College
Supplement training of teachers in art.

1998-1999  Temporary Educator, department of Photography, Bergen Academy of the Arts

Member of Commités

2002 - 2006  Member and from 2003 leader, recommendation committee for exhibition scholarships, Norwegian Cultural Council

2002 - 2006  Member and from 2004 leader/chairman, Norwegian Photographic Fund

2003 - 2006 Member in the departments coucil for specialized Art, Bergen


Founder and former boardmember of Bjørka Foundation. Workingplace for artists working with photography, digital photolab, darkroom and studios in Oslo. Supported by the Arts Council Norway and Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond (BKH)


Associations of fine Art Photographers (FFF)

Young Artists’ Associations (UKS)

Visual Artists Oslo and Akershus (BOA)

Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK)


1999-2003 Bjørka Project room, single show: Ina Eriksen, Jan Høvo,Tina Buddeberg, Tone Hansen, Lene Berg. Groupshow/social art happenings: “Social Gratie” with  Petter Hepsøe, Terje Nicolaisen, Vibeke Sjøvoll, Lene Berg